Debt Collection FAQ

Best 5 amicable debt collection techniques used by professional debt collectors

June 30, 2023

Are you struggling with unpaid international business debts? Do you want to know how to collect your money in full and quickly without resorting to legal procedures and damaging your reputation? If so, this blog post is for you!

In this post, we will share with you the best 5 amicable debt collection techniques used by professional debt collectors. These techniques are proven to work in different countries and cultures, and they will help you recover your money while maintaining a good relationship with your debtor.

Here are the best 5 amicable debt collection techniques:

1. Send a friendly reminder. Sometimes, your debtor may have forgotten or overlooked your invoice, or they may be facing some temporary cash flow problems. In that case, a friendly reminder can be enough to prompt them to pay. You can send an email or a letter, or even call them personally, and remind them of the due date, the amount, and the payment details. Be polite and respectful, but also firm and clear about your expectations.

2. Negotiate a payment plan. If your debtor is unable to pay the full amount at once, you can offer them a payment plan that suits both parties. You can agree on a lower monthly installment, a longer repayment period, or even a partial write-off of the debt. The goal is to find a solution that allows you to recover as much as possible of your money while giving your debtor some flexibility and relief.

3. Use a third-party mediator. Sometimes, it can be helpful to involve a neutral third-party mediator who can facilitate the communication and negotiation between you and your debtor. This can be a mutual acquaintance, a business partner, or a professional mediator. The mediator can help you understand each other's perspectives, find common ground, and reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

4. Hire a professional debt collector. If the previous techniques fail, you may need to hire a professional debt collector who can take over the case and handle it on your behalf. A professional debt collector has the expertise, the resources, and the network to locate your debtor, contact them, and persuade them to pay. They can also handle any legal or cultural issues that may arise in different countries. For example, some countries may have different laws or regulations regarding debt collection, some cultures may have different norms or expectations regarding payment behavior, and some languages may have different nuances or expressions regarding debt communication. For instance, some cultures may consider paying on time as a sign of respect and trustworthiness, while others may see it as a sign of weakness or desperation. Some cultures may prefer direct and assertive communication, while others may favor indirect and polite communication. For example, some indirect communication examples are using hints or suggestions instead of direct requests, using euphemisms or softeners instead of blunt statements, or using silence or pauses instead of verbal responses.

5. Escalate to legal action. As a last resort, you may have to escalate your case to legal action if your debtor refuses to pay or cooperate. This means that you will have to file a lawsuit against your debtor in their country of residence, which can be costly, time-consuming, and risky. You will also need to hire a local lawyer who can represent you in court and enforce the judgment if you win. Legal action should be avoided as much as possible, as it can damage your reputation and relationship with your debtor and other potential customers.

These are the best 5 amicable debt collection techniques used by professional debt collectors. By applying these techniques, you can increase your chances of recovering your unpaid international business debts in full and quickly without using legal procedures and by protecting your reputation.

debt collection agency
International debt collection agency

The most common, funny and bizarre debtor excuses around the world

- What are some excuses that debtors use in Europe to avoid paying their bills?

 - Debtors in Europe can be very inventive and amusing when they try to dodge their debts. Here are some examples:
   - A debtor in Belgium said that he couldn't pay because he had been turned into a chocolate statue and had to spend all his money on melting himself.
   - A debtor in Denmark said that he couldn't pay because he had been attacked by a mermaid and had to spend all his money on repairing his boat.
   - A debtor in France said that he couldn't pay because he had been seduced by a spy and had to spend all his money on buying her secrets.
   - A debtor in Germany said that he couldn't pay because he had been experimented on by a mad scientist and had to spend all his money on reversing the effects.
   - A debtor in Italy said that he couldn't pay because he had been chased by the mafia and had to spend all his money on hiring bodyguards.
   - A debtor in the Netherlands said that he couldn't pay because he had been flooded by a broken dam and had to spend all his money on building a new house.
   - A debtor in Poland said that he couldn't pay because he had been cursed by a witch and had to spend all his money on finding a true love's kiss.
   - A debtor in Portugal said that he couldn't pay because he had been shipwrecked by a storm and had to spend all his money on finding a way back.
   - A debtor in Spain said that he couldn't pay because he had been gored by a bull and had to spend all his money on medical bills.
   - A debtor in Sweden said that he couldn't pay because he had been kidnapped by Vikings and had to spend all his money on buying his freedom.
   - A debtor in Switzerland said that he couldn't pay because he had been trapped by an avalanche and had to spend all his money on digging himself out.
   - A debtor in the UK said that he couldn't pay because he had been framed by a detective and had to spend all his money on clearing his name.

- What are some excuses that debtors use in the US to avoid paying their bills?

 - Debtors in the US can be very imaginative and funny when they try to get out of their debts. Here are some examples:
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been bitten by a radioactive spider and had to spend all his money on web-shooters and costumes.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been abducted by the CIA and was being brainwashed in a secret facility.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been infected by a zombie virus and had to spend all his money on weapons and survival gear.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been contacted by his future self and had to save all his money for a time machine.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been cloned by an evil scientist and had to spend all his money on finding and destroying his duplicates.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been recruited by a secret society and had to spend all his money on initiation fees and rituals.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been transformed into a werewolf and had to spend all his money on silver bullets and chains.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been visited by an angel and had to spend all his money on building an ark.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been chosen by a wizard and had to spend all his money on a wand and a broomstick.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been haunted by a ghost and had to spend all his money on exorcists and paranormal investigators.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been possessed by a demon and had to spend all his money on pentagrams and candles.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been teleported to another dimension and had to spend all his money on finding a way back.
   - A debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been cursed by a gypsy and had to spend all his money on breaking the curse.

debt collection agency France
Collect debts in France
- What are some other excuses that debtors use to avoid paying their bills?

 - Debtors can be very inventive and amusing when they try to dodge their debts. Here are some more examples from different countries:
   - In Argentina, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been struck by lightning and had lost his memory of the debt.
   - In Egypt, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been cursed by a mummy and had to spend all his money on amulets and charms.
   - In Finland, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been frozen in ice and had just thawed out after a hundred years.
   - In Greece, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had angered the gods and they had sent a plague of locusts to devour his crops.
   - In Ireland, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been tricked by a leprechaun and had given him all his money for a pot of gold.
   - In New Zealand, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been attacked by a giant squid and had to use his money to buy a new boat.
   - In Norway, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been turned into a troll and had to live under a bridge.
   - In Peru, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been chosen by the Incas and had to sacrifice all his money to the sun god.
   - In Spain, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been bitten by a vampire and had to spend all his money on garlic and holy water.
   - In Sweden, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been abducted by Santa Claus and was being forced to make toys in his workshop.
   - In Thailand, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been reincarnated as an elephant and had no access to his bank account.
   - In Turkey, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been hypnotized by a snake charmer and had given him all his money for a magic flute.
   - In Vietnam, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been swallowed by a dragon and had to use his money to bribe him to spit him out.

- What are the most common, funny and bizarre debtor excuses around the world?

 - Some debtors try to avoid paying their bills by coming up with creative and hilarious excuses. Here are some examples from different countries:
   - In Australia, a debtor claimed that he couldn't pay because he had been bitten by a venomous snake and had to spend all his money on antivenom.
   - In Brazil, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been kidnapped by aliens and they erased his memory of the debt.
   - In Canada, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had lost his wallet in a snowstorm and it was buried under several feet of snow.
   - In China, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been reincarnated as a different person and had no connection to his previous life.
   - In France, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been cursed by a witch and she would turn him into a frog if he paid.
   - In Germany, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been drafted into the army and was fighting in a secret war.
   - In India, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had donated all his money to a holy cow and was waiting for her blessings.
   - In Japan, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been possessed by a demon and it made him spend all his money on gambling and alcohol.
   - In Mexico, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been chased by a chupacabra and had to flee the country.
   - In Russia, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been arrested by the KGB and was being interrogated in a secret prison.
   - In South Africa, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been attacked by a lion and had to use his money to buy a new arm.
   - In the UK, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been abducted by the royal family and was being held hostage in Buckingham Palace.
   - In the US, a debtor said that he couldn't pay because he had been sued by his ex-wife and she took everything he owned.

Debt Collection Agency in Italy